Oracle ref kurzor s parametrom
Oracle PL SQL interview question CURSOR Vs REFCURSOR here to subscrib
Oracle minimized the need of creating a weak ref cursor by shipping SYS_REFCURSOR as a part of standard package since Oracle Database 9i though the option of creating one is still available. It is like a personal choice, if someone wants to create a weak ref cursor then they can. Using REF CURSOR s is one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable ways to return query results from an Oracle Database to a client application. A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL data type whose value is the memory address of a query work area on the database.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_ref_prc ( p_ref_out OUT sys_refcursor) AS BEGIN OPEN p_ref_out FOR SELECT LEVEL FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL < 10; END; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test_ref2 AS refc sys_refcursor; num_ntt NUMBER_NTT; BEGIN test_ref_prc Answer: Here is an example script that performs dynamic SQL and returns the data as a ref cursor.-- First, we declare the package specs create or replace package test_pack is type ref_cur is ref cursor; procedure printme(ref_var ref_cur); end; /-- Now we create a print procedure that receives a ref cursor-- and prints the row data create or replace package body test_pack is procedure printme(ref_var ref_cur) is 12/5/2006 JDBC does not support a cursor variable data type and the driver converts the REF CURSOR parameter into a result set instead of returning as output parameter. Resolution In your application, omit any parameter markers for the REF CURSOR as shown in the example below and in following link and do not declare an output parameter for the REF CURSOR. PL/SQL Sys_Ref Cursor in Oracle. weak type ref cursor of built-in form.
REF CURSOR types may be passed as parameters to or from stored procedures and functions. The return type of a function may also be a REF CURSOR type. This provides the capability to modularize the operations on a cursor into separate programs by passing a cursor variable between programs.
If the REF CURSOR data type is obtained as an OracleRefCursor object, it can be used to create an OracleDataReader object or populate a DataSet from it. When accessing a REF CURSOR data type, always bind it as an OracleDbType.RefCursor parameter. To declare a cursor variable, you use the REF CURSOR is the data type. PL/SQL has two forms of REF CURSOR typeS: strong typed and weak typed REF CURSOR.
A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL datatype that you can use in a query to fetch data. Each REF CURSOR query is associated with a PL/SQL function that returns a strongly typed REF CURSOR. The PL/SQL function must ensure that the REF CURSOR is opened and associated with a SELECT statement that has a SELECT list that matches the REF CURSOR type.
create or replace package REFCURSOR_PKG as TYPE WEAK8i_REF_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; TYPE STRONG_REF_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR RETURN EMP%ROWTYPE; end REFCURSOR_PKG; The pl/sql procedure that returns a ref-cursor looks like this: /** until Oracle 9 */ create or replace procedure test ( p_deptno IN number , p_cursor OUT REFCURSOR_PKG.WEAK8i_REF_CURSOR) is begin open p_cursor FOR select * from emp where deptno = p_deptno; end test; Since Oracle 9i you can use SYS_REFCURSOR as the type for the Third, open the cursor for the second time but with different arguments, 800 for the low price and 100 for the high price. Then the rest is fetching data, printing out product’s information, and closing the cursor.
There are 2 basic types: Strong ref cursor and weak ref cursor For the strong ref cursor the returning columns with datatype and length need to be known at compile time. Since Oracle 7.3 the REF CURSOR type has been available to allow recordsets to be returned from stored procedures and functions. Oracle 9i introduced the predefined SYS_REFCURSOR type, meaning we no longer have to define our own REF CURSOR types. If information about a REF CURSOR parameter has been added to the configuration file, then applications should not try to explicitly bind the REF CURSOR parameter to OracleCommand. ODP.NET automatically binds the REF CURSOR parameter at the appropriate locations based on the information provided in the configuration file.
Use an
Leverage the power of ref cursors and ODP.NET to create powerful, flexible, and scalable applications. There are several ways to return query results from an Oracle database to a client application, using Oracle Data Provider for .NET; one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable methods is to use ref cursor. The Ref-Cursor declared in this program’s scope is never opened as when it is assigned to the same Ref-Cursor’s variable in the OUT parameter, the information of the cursor variable from the server program is copied into this variable, thus making it its alias. This variable is then looped for processing the returned result set as shown in Oracle PL SQL interview question CURSOR Vs REFCURSOR here to subscrib Performans nedenleriyle, Oracle için Veri Sağlayıcısı, açıkça belirtmediğiniz sürece MSDAORA olarak, ref cursor veri türlerini otomatik olarak bağlamayın. For performance reasons, the Data Provider for Oracle does not automatically bind REF CURSOR data types, as MSDAORA does, unless you explicitly specify them.
25:07. SQL: Explain Plan for knowing the Query performance - Duration: 5:17. A ref cursor is a variable, defined as a cursor type, which will point to, or reference a cursor result. The advantage that a ref cursor has over a plain cursor is that is can be passed as a variable to a procedure or a function.
Then the rest is fetching data, printing out product’s information, and closing the cursor. PL/SQL parameterized cursor with default values. A parameterized cursor can have default values for its parameters as shown below: The Oracle ref cursor is a "pointer" data types that allows you to quickly reference any cursor result (usually an internal PL/SQL table array) with data values kept in super-fast RAM. For details, see the book " PL/SQL Tuning " with many Oracle ref cursor examples and ref cursor tips. Sep 28, 2017 · Difference between cursor and a ref cursor Hi Tom, Feels good that i got a chance to ask you a question. I attended an interview for oracle pl/sql.
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An Oracle stored procedure can return a cursor to the caller, for example: Then you can call the procedure and fetch records from the returned cursor as follows: SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE cur SYS_REFCURSOR; empno emp. empno %TYPE ; ename emp. ename %TYPE ; BEGIN -- Get employees list getEmployeesByDept ( p_deptno => 30, p_recordset => cur) ; --
Oracle minimized the need of creating a weak ref cursor by shipping SYS_REFCURSOR as a part of standard package since Oracle Database 9i though the option of creating one is still available. It is like a personal choice, if someone wants to create a weak ref cursor then they can. Using REF CURSOR s is one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable ways to return query results from an Oracle Database to a client application. A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL data type whose value is the memory address of a query work area on the database.